Ahom Revolt (1828)

Ahom revolt took place in the Assam region after the First Anglo-Burmese War. The rebellion occurred in response to the annexation of Ahom territories under the British Empire in 1828. The leader of the uprising was Gomdhar Konwar. However, the British forces put down the rebellion, and the Ahom kingdom ultimately came under the control of the British.

Historical Background

The British had promised to withdraw from the Assam after the end of the First Anglo-Burmese War (1824-26). But, instead of leaving after the war, the British attempted to incorporate the Ahom’s territories into the dominion of the East India Company. This annexation by the British led to a rebellion in 1828 under the leadership of Ahom prince Gomdhar Konwar, along with companions, such as Dhanjoy Bongohain and Jairam Khargharia Phukan.

Ahom rebellion

In October 1828, the Ahom rebels assembled near Jorhat, where they formally made Gomdhar Konwar the king of the Ahom Dynasty. Gomdhar intended to seize the British stronghold at Rangpur, for which he began recruiting soldiers and amassing weapons. He also instructed his forces to stop paying British taxes.

In November 1828, Ahom rebels began advancing towards Rangpur. However, the British learned about the plans of Ahom rebels and caught them off guard at Mariani. Many of the insurgents surrendered, while others escaped.


After the failure of the Ahom rebellion, Gomdhar and his friend took refuse in Naga Hills. But later, he submitted, and the British detained other rebels.

However, the East India Company decided to follow a conciliatory approach. As a conciliatory gesture, the representative of the British Governor-General David Scott reduced the sentence of Gomdhar to seven years in exile. The Company handed over the Upper Assam to Maharaja Purandar Singh Narendra, restoring a part of the Ahom Kingdom to the Assamese king.

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